Friday, October 10, 2008

The X Factor

I am attempting to get a Master’s degree because of Theory X. Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y explains how an organization can be managed in two ways.

Simply stated (and embarrassing to say) I am the employee of a manager who exudes every point in McGregor’s Theory X. McGregor hit the nail on the head for me when he mentioned the following assumption of Theory X:

-Because employees dislike work, they have to be forced, coerced or threatened with punishment to achieve goals.

I share with you an exact quote from my manager which is only part of an email he sent to our Account Management team, “As mentioned in the past, I do not appreciate being blind sided by an issue or filled in after the fact and disciplinary action will be taken should this happen moving forward.”

If this statement does not hit Theory X right on the head, I don’t know what does. I still, to this day have no idea what disciplinary action my manager was talking about. What was he going to do, put us all in “time out?” His statement did not motivate our team, it only lead them to feel discouraged.

This example is only one of the reasons why I am working on achieving my Master’s degree. Then, I can get out of this organization in which I am managed by a stereotypical “Manager X.”

Wow, what a depressing blog. Sorry folks!

Shah, K. & Shah, P. (n.d.) Motivation. Retrieved July 10, 2007, from


RichardS said...

Good job! I definitely can relate. I've had several managers EXACTLY like the one you've described! Anyway, interesting and enjoyable. Thanks.


Tim Picard said...

Well put. One of those business dictums (dicti?) states that managers attain one position higher than what they're qualified for, otherwise they'd continue moving up/on.

Frankly, I quickly visited your blog because I like "depressing."

Charise said...

Ugh, that has to be so frustrating! I am not one of those people motivated by punishment, so I would sit around stewing and getting angrier with my manager, which would make for a horrible work situation. I hope getting the MCM degree helps you get out of that!

James Lutz said...

Hey Erin,
I think creepy managers are put on this planet as motivation for us to find a better job. Ruling by fear works pretty well, but causes good people to head for the exits as soon as the opportunity arises. I remember a person that my wife worked with didn't like her job. On the last day she wanted my wife to drive her minivan laying on the horn while the lady mooned the office. I guess that was her way of "saying goodby" Now there's a message they'll remember!

Cat said...

Nice work, love the article and photo :)
