Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"It's a Burgh Thing"

Hey "yinz guys",
This is my very first blog and because of that I'd like to open by talking about something that is very near/dear to my heart.
"What is that thing?", you may ask. Well, my fellow 704bloggers that thing is football -- but not just any football.....


You see, I was born (and raised) in the great city of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania which means I was born with black and gold blood coursing through my veins. I am about to share with you a few facts that make the Steelers an organization forever rooted in the history and tradition of football. Perhaps you'll get the Steelers fever and be saying "Yinz" and waving your "Terrible Towel" before you know it.

  • The Steelers are the 5th oldest franchise in the NFL.
  • In 1933, Art Rooney purchased the NFL franchise for $2,500.
  • Originally named the Pittsburgh Pirates (which is interesting), they were a member of the Eastern Division of the 10-team NFL. The other four current NFL teams in existence at that time were the Chicago (Arizona) Cardinals, Green Bay Packers, Chicago Bears and New York Giants.
  • The Steelers have played in six Super Bowls, winning five of them, including four in six years.
  • Dec. 23rd, 1972 marked a play that will live on in football infamy with Franco Harris’ "Immaculate Reception" in the final minute of the Steelers playoff defeat of the Oakland Raiders (13-7)
    (click play below to watch this amazing stuff!)

  • The Steelers have only had 16 head coaches since 1933 and only 3 in the last 39 years.
  • The Steelers are the only NFL team that sports their logo on only one side of the helmet. Today's helmet reflects the way the logo was originally applied and it has never been changed.
  • On a more current note and one of my favorite "fun facts"...
    Indy's 2007 Superbowl Victory Parade - estimated 45,000 fans
    Pittsburgh's 2006 Superbowl Victory Parade - estimated 250,000 fans
    Total Population in Indianapolis - 784,118
    Total Population in Pittsburgh - 316,718

    You see, these are just a few reasons why I love the Steelers. They are so full of history (as is the wonderful city where they are located). If you've never been to Pittsburgh I'd highly recommend it. It truly is a beautiful area (no matter what other "Ohioans" or "Brownies" might tell you). The heart and soul of Pittsburgh certainly is STEELERS FOOTBALL!